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  • The BBC’s Europe editor Katya Adler is known as the Kim Kardashian of Brexit, in part for her carefully contoured make-up and penchant for an all-white ensemble, but mainly because of her sheer.
  • BBC bias row erupts as Katya Adler accused of taking EU's side in Covid vaccine fiasco. Furious Twitter users were quick to hit back at Ms Adler's claims, saying they had not witnessed the.

Speaking on Twitter, the BBC’s Europe editor, Katya Adler, hit out at Boris Johnson’s government for ‘berating’ the EU and suggested that the UK was equally guilty of ‘hypocrisy’. Katya Adler warned the EU could take tougher action on vaccine exports (Image: Twitter/Katya Adler) “EU contract with AstraZeneca says its supplies will be furnished by plants in the EU and the. Katya Adler @BBCkatyaadler The King and Queen of Spain sent a very personal telegram of condolence to the Queen, addressed to “Dear Aunt Lilibet,”and saying “We are deeply saddened to hear about the.

It’s pretty clear that the EU has not exactly behaved well in recent weeks, during its row with AstraZeneca over the Oxford vaccine. First the German press pushed out an unsubstantiated claim that the vaccine had extremely low efficacy rates among the elderly. Then the EU threatened to introduce an export ban to prevent other countries receiving their doses. And now the EU is pushing AstraZeneca to divert supplies intended for the UK to Europe – to make up for the fact that the bloc dithered for three months before striking its own deal with the company.

Meanwhile the UK, so far at least, has pretty much kept out of the row. So Mr S was surprised to see the UK’s own broadcaster, the BBC, take a ‘both sides are wrong’ approach to the dispute this morning. Speaking on Twitter, the BBC’s Europe editor, Katya Adler, hit out at Boris Johnson’s government for ‘berating’ the EU and suggested that the UK was equally guilty of ‘hypocrisy’. Adler was commenting on an article on Politico, which reported that the UK had banned the export of some medicines last year.

On vaccines. But while the Johnson government berates the EU - the U.K. has banned the export of over 170 medicines “needed for British patients” included dozens reportedly used in treating covid patients (see article) /2

— Katya Adler (@BBCkatyaadler) January 28, 2021Katya Adler TwitterAdlerKatya

The only problem is that the BBC editor’s line appears to be cobblers. For starters, Boris Johnson’s government hasn’t really ‘berated’ the EU at all. Only yesterday, the PM refusedto wade into the row, and merely stressed the importance of international cooperation.

Secondly, there doesn’t appear to be much equivalence between the EU’s recent behaviour and the UK medicine ban. The Politico story itself notes that the UK ban only covers supplies already intended for UK patients, to prevent middlemen making a quick buck by hawking the medicines elsewhere. Any medicines manufactured for export are exempt and allowed to leave the UK. In other words, French patients would still be able to receive any medicines manufactured in the UK. Ashampoo winoptimizer free. The EU, on the other hand, appears to be mulling an export ban simply to prevent other countries' orders being fulfilled.

Unfortunately it seems to Mr S like the BBC is still on auto-pilot when it comes to its Europe coverage, and has missed the rather more obvious story: that it’s the EU currently behaving like a playground bully…

,5 tweets,2 min read
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Katie Alder

Am not first to comment on this today but below observation by Michael Gove that #coronavirus will focus EU minds on post #Brexit trade deal is delusional. It distracts EU leaders all the more from something that was not top of in-tray even before COVID-19 politicshome.com/news/article/c…
There is logic in assuming the EU worries about economic effect of #coronavirus . The UK imports from EU more than it exports to bloc. There is European interest in keeping that business going esp amongst closest trade partners eg Ireland, NL BUT /2
a) not at any price b) this is not more of a priority now than before Covid-19. EU priority right now is to get past health crisis and help single market back on feet. To protect and boost single market rather than agree trade terms with UK the EU believes weakens the market /3

Katya Adler Twitter Images

Remember many member states do little business of significance with U.K. and even big powers Germany and France who do trade a lot with UK, the figures are small compared to what they earn out of single market as a whole /4

Katya Adler Twitter Profile

In the immediate term the focus of Merkel, Macron et al is definitely not Brexit. It’s to try to navigate #coronavirus crisis w political reputation intact, population as unscarred as possible, while performing damage limitation on national economy first then eurozone as whole /5

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